Foto: Johan Sandberg
Matheus Barboza de Jesus
Tänzer (Gruppe)
Der Brasilianer Matheus Barboza de Jesus erhielt seine Tanzausbildung von 2009 bis 2014 am Theatro Municipal de São Paulo und von 2014 bis 2017 an der Lume Casa Cultural São Paulo. Ab 2017 studierte er an der Staatlichen Ballettschule Berlin. Sein Repertoire umfasst u. a. die Choreografien „Far“ (Wayne McGregor) sowie „The little Prince“, „Boléro“ und „Tango Palace“ (Gregor Seyffert). Überdies war er mit dem Landesjugendballett Berlin in „Le Corsaire“ zu erleben und wirkte bei Tanzgalas in Peking, Putbus, Leipzig, Gera, Berlin, Stuttgart und Osnabrück mit. Matheus Barboza de Jesus wurde bei zahlreichen Wettbewerben ausgezeichnet, so erhielt er u. a. Zweite Preise beim Festival Internacional de Dança de Joinville, beim Tanzolymp 2018 und beim International Baltic Ballet Competition 2018 sowie den 1. Preis beim European Ballet Grand Prix 2018. Seit der Spielzeit 2020/2021 ist er als Gruppentänzer am Aalto Ballett Essen engagiert.
Brazilian Dancer Matheus Barboza de Jesus received his training at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (2009-2014) and at Lume Casa Cultural São Paulo (2014-2017). From 2017, he continued his studies at Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin. His repertoire includes choreographies like „Far“ (Wayne McGregor), „The little Prince“, „Bolero“ and „Tango Palace“ (Gregor Seyffert). Matheus also performed in „Le Corsaire“ with Landesjugendballett Berlin and in several gala performances in Beijing, Putbus, Leipzig, Gera, Berlin, Stuttgart and Osnabrück. He has been awarded at many occasions: 2nd places at Festival Internacional de Dança de Joinville, Tanzolymp 2018 and International Baltic Ballet Competition 2018 were followed by a first place at European Ballet Grand Prix 2018. Since the beginning of the season 2020/2021 he is a group dancer at Aalto Ballett Essen.
Brazilian Dancer Matheus Barboza de Jesus received his training at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (2009-2014) and at Lume Casa Cultural São Paulo (2014-2017). From 2017, he continued his studies at Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin. His repertoire includes choreographies like „Far“ (Wayne McGregor), „The little Prince“, „Bolero“ and „Tango Palace“ (Gregor Seyffert). Matheus also performed in „Le Corsaire“ with Landesjugendballett Berlin and in several gala performances in Beijing, Putbus, Leipzig, Gera, Berlin, Stuttgart and Osnabrück. He has been awarded at many occasions: 2nd places at Festival Internacional de Dança de Joinville, Tanzolymp 2018 and International Baltic Ballet Competition 2018 were followed by a first place at European Ballet Grand Prix 2018. Since the beginning of the season 2020/2021 he is a group dancer at Aalto Ballett Essen.
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