Foto: Johan Sandberg
Moisés León Noriega
Tänzer (Solo mit Gruppe)
Moisés León Noriega wurde in Kuba geboren und ließ sich an der Ballettschule Alejo Carpentier in Havanna ausbilden. Es folgte in den Jahren 2001 bis 2005 eine Fortbildung als Dozent und professioneller Balletttänzer an der Escuela Nacional de Arte Havanna. Erste berufliche Erfahrung sammelte der mehrfache Preisträger in Kuba beim Ballet Prodanza, der Laura Alonso Ballettcompagnie und dem Ballet Revolución. Darüber hinaus war er bei Ballettfestivals in Südafrika sowie den Royal Variety Performances in Großbritannien zu erleben. Sein Repertoire umfasst solistische Parts u. a. in „La Fille mal gardée“, „Le Corsaire“, „Paquita“, „Der Nussknacker“, „Majisimo“, „Blumenfest in Genzano“, „Dornröschen“ und „Don Quichotte“. Seit der Saison 2014/2015 gehört Moises Moisés León zunächst als Gruppentänzer mit Soloverpflichtung zur Aalto-Compagnie, ist inzwischen Solotänzer mit Gruppe und übernimmt Partien wie Tybalt („Romeo und Julia“), Escamillo („Carmen/Boléro“), solistische Parts in „Tanzhommage an Queen“ und „La vie en rose“ sowie zuletzt Drosselmeier („Der Nussknacker“), sowohl Basile als auch Espada in „Don Quichotte“ und als Rotbart "Schwanensee". In den vergangenen Spielzeiten war er solistisch in „Rock around Barock“ zu erleben.
Born in Cuba, Moisés León Noriega studied at the Escuela Elemental de Ballet Alejo Carpentier in Havanna. In 2001-2005 he received further education and became a ballet teacher and professional dancer at the Escuela Nacional de Arte, Havanna. He gained his first stage experience at the Ballet Prodanza, the Laura Alonso Ballet Company, the Ballet Revolución, and has won several prizes since. Additionally, he danced at ballet festivals in Southafrica and the Royal Variety Performances in Great Britain. His repertoire includes soloistic roles from "La Fille mal gardée", "Le Corsaire", "Paquita", "The Nutcracker", "Majisimo", "Blumenfest in Genzano", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Don Quixotte". Since August 2014, Moisés León Noriega is part of the Aalto Ballet Company, first as group dancer with solo commitments and now as a soloist with group commitments. He has performed Tybalt ("Romeo and Juliet"), Escamillo ("Carmen/Boléro"), several parts in "Hommage to Queen" and "La vie en rose", Drosselmeier ("The Nutcracker"), both Basile and Espada in "Don Quichotte" and Rotbart ("Swan lake"). In the last seasons, Moisés was a soloist in „Rock around Barock“.
Born in Cuba, Moisés León Noriega studied at the Escuela Elemental de Ballet Alejo Carpentier in Havanna. In 2001-2005 he received further education and became a ballet teacher and professional dancer at the Escuela Nacional de Arte, Havanna. He gained his first stage experience at the Ballet Prodanza, the Laura Alonso Ballet Company, the Ballet Revolución, and has won several prizes since. Additionally, he danced at ballet festivals in Southafrica and the Royal Variety Performances in Great Britain. His repertoire includes soloistic roles from "La Fille mal gardée", "Le Corsaire", "Paquita", "The Nutcracker", "Majisimo", "Blumenfest in Genzano", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Don Quixotte". Since August 2014, Moisés León Noriega is part of the Aalto Ballet Company, first as group dancer with solo commitments and now as a soloist with group commitments. He has performed Tybalt ("Romeo and Juliet"), Escamillo ("Carmen/Boléro"), several parts in "Hommage to Queen" and "La vie en rose", Drosselmeier ("The Nutcracker"), both Basile and Espada in "Don Quichotte" and Rotbart ("Swan lake"). In the last seasons, Moisés was a soloist in „Rock around Barock“.
Aktuelle Produktionen
Siegfried, Rotbart
Termine und Tickets
Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen