Foto: Johan Sandberg
Maria Lúcia Segalin
Persönliche Mitarbeiterin der Ballettintendanz
Maria Lúcia Segalin begann ihre klassische Tanzausbildung in Florianópolis, Brasilien und setzte ihre Ausbildung an der Ballettschule der Staatsoper Wien fort. Nach ihrem ersten Engagement 1998 in der Compagnie Jeune Ballet de France war sie von 2000 bis 2009 Demi-Solistin des Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse unter der Leitung von Nanette Glushak. Seit Beginn der Saison 2009/2010 gehörte sie zunächst als Gruppentänzerin mit Soloverpflichtung zur Aalto-Compagnie, ab der Spielzeit 2011/2012 dann als Solistin mit Gruppenverpflichtung. Während ihrer Tanzkarriere hatte sie die Möglichkeit mit verschiedenen Choreografen zu arbeiten und tanzte in vielen Stücken von der Moderne bis zum klassischen Repertoire unter anderem die Titelrollen in "Giselle", "Don Quichotte“, "Coppélia“, "La Sylphide“, "Carmen“, "Romeo und Julia“ sowie Tatiana in Crankos "Onegin". Maria Lúcia Segalin besitzt das "Diplôme d'état de professeur de danse", des französischen Kulturministeriums. 2017 legte sie ihren Bachelor mit Auszeichnung in "Modern Language Studies" an der Open University of England ab.
Seit Januar 2022 arbeitet sie persönliche Mitarbeiterin der Aalto-Ballettintendanz.
Maria Lúcia Segalin started her training in classical dance in Florianópolis, Brazil, and continued her education at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School. In 1998 she received her first engagement with Le Jeune Ballet de France and from 2000 until 2009 she worked as a demi-soloist with “Le Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse”, under the direction of Nanette Glushak. In the season 2009/2010 she joined the Aalto Ballet Company as a group dancer with solo obligations and in 2010/2011 was promoted to soloist with group commitments.
During her dancing career, Maria Lúcia has had the chance to work with different choreographers and could be seen in many pieces from the modern and classical repertoire, such as in the leading roles of "Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Coppelia", "La Sylphide", "Carmen", "Romeo and Juliet", Tatiana in Cranko´s "Onegin", to name a few.
Maria Lucia holds a "Diplôme d'état de professeur de danse", issued by the French ministry of culture and in 2017 received her Bachelor Degree with Honours in Modern Language Studies, issued by The Open University of England.
Since January 2022 she works as personal assistant to the artistic director of Aalto-Ballett.
Seit Januar 2022 arbeitet sie persönliche Mitarbeiterin der Aalto-Ballettintendanz.
Maria Lúcia Segalin started her training in classical dance in Florianópolis, Brazil, and continued her education at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School. In 1998 she received her first engagement with Le Jeune Ballet de France and from 2000 until 2009 she worked as a demi-soloist with “Le Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse”, under the direction of Nanette Glushak. In the season 2009/2010 she joined the Aalto Ballet Company as a group dancer with solo obligations and in 2010/2011 was promoted to soloist with group commitments.
During her dancing career, Maria Lúcia has had the chance to work with different choreographers and could be seen in many pieces from the modern and classical repertoire, such as in the leading roles of "Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Coppelia", "La Sylphide", "Carmen", "Romeo and Juliet", Tatiana in Cranko´s "Onegin", to name a few.
Maria Lucia holds a "Diplôme d'état de professeur de danse", issued by the French ministry of culture and in 2017 received her Bachelor Degree with Honours in Modern Language Studies, issued by The Open University of England.
Since January 2022 she works as personal assistant to the artistic director of Aalto-Ballett.
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Lady Capulet
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