Foto: Johan Sandberg
Wataru Shimizu
Tänzer (Solo)
Der gebürtige Japaner absolvierte seine Ausbildung an der Hakucho Ballet Academy und der Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monaco. Er gewann Preise u. a. beim Kobe- und Tokio-Shinbun-Wettbewerb. Zwischen 2006 und 2008 wirkte er bei der Cinevox Junior Company u. a. in zeitgenössischen und klassischen Choreografien von Franz Brodmann, Jacqueline Beck, Oliver Dahler und Antonio Gomes (Boléro) mit. Seit Beginn der Spielzeit 2008/2009 ist er als Gruppentänzer am Aalto Ballett Essen engagiert, seit Herbst 2009 als Gruppentänzer mit Soloverpflichtung, seit 2011/2012 als Solotänzer mit Gruppenverpflichtung und seit 2016/2017 nunmehr als Solist. Er interpretierte den Frantz („Coppélia“), Lillas Pastia („Carmen/Boléro“), Leprechaun („Irish Soul“), Les Bourgeois („La vie en rose“), Spitz und Max („Max und Moritz“), Puck („Ein Sommernachtstraum“), Jago („Othello“), Mercutio („Romeo und Julia“), Stiefschwester („Cinderella“), solistische Parts in „Tanzhommage an Queen“, „Unspoken Movement“ („PTAH II“) und „3 BY EKMAN“, sowie Fritz („Der Nussknacker“) und Mercutio („Romeo und Julia“). In „Don Quichotte“ war er sowohl als Sancho Pansa wie auch als Basile zu erleben. In „Schwanensee“ verkörperte er die Rolle des Bennos.
Wataru Shimizu was born in Nagano, Japan. He studied at the Hakucho Ballet Academy and at the Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo. He has received prizes in the Kobe and the Tokyo Shinbun competitions, among others. Between 2006 and 2008 he danced with the Cinevox Junior Company, where he danced in neo-classical and contemporary choreographies by Franz Brodmann, Jacqueline Beck, Oliver Dahler, and Antonio Gomes (“Boléro”). He became a member of the Aalto Ballet Essen in 2008/2009 and was promoted to a group dancer with soloist obligations in the autumn of 2009. He was further promoted to a soloist with group obligations in the 2011/2012 season. He has performed the roles of Frantz (“Coppélia”), Lillas Pastia (“Carmen/Boléro”), Leprechaun (“Irish Soul”) and Les Bourgeois (“La vie en rose”), Spitz and Max (“Max and Moritz”), Puck (“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”), Jago (“Othello”), Stepsister („Cinderella“), Best Man („Giselle“) and further soloist roles in “Homage to Queen”, “Unspoken Movement” (“PTAH II”) and „3 BY EKMAN“, as well as Fritz („The Nutcracker“) and Mercutio („Romeo and Juliet“). In „Don Quichotte“ he danced both Sancho Pansa and Basile. In "Swan lake" he was dancing the role of Benno.
Wataru Shimizu was born in Nagano, Japan. He studied at the Hakucho Ballet Academy and at the Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo. He has received prizes in the Kobe and the Tokyo Shinbun competitions, among others. Between 2006 and 2008 he danced with the Cinevox Junior Company, where he danced in neo-classical and contemporary choreographies by Franz Brodmann, Jacqueline Beck, Oliver Dahler, and Antonio Gomes (“Boléro”). He became a member of the Aalto Ballet Essen in 2008/2009 and was promoted to a group dancer with soloist obligations in the autumn of 2009. He was further promoted to a soloist with group obligations in the 2011/2012 season. He has performed the roles of Frantz (“Coppélia”), Lillas Pastia (“Carmen/Boléro”), Leprechaun (“Irish Soul”) and Les Bourgeois (“La vie en rose”), Spitz and Max (“Max and Moritz”), Puck (“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”), Jago (“Othello”), Stepsister („Cinderella“), Best Man („Giselle“) and further soloist roles in “Homage to Queen”, “Unspoken Movement” (“PTAH II”) and „3 BY EKMAN“, as well as Fritz („The Nutcracker“) and Mercutio („Romeo and Juliet“). In „Don Quichotte“ he danced both Sancho Pansa and Basile. In "Swan lake" he was dancing the role of Benno.
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Aalto Ballett Essen
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Aalto Ballett Essen