Foto: Johan Sandberg
Yulia Tsoi
Ballettassistentin, Charakterdarstellerin
Yulia Tsoi stammt aus Kasachstan. Sie erhielt ihre Tanzausbildung an der Ballettschule Almaty und war Ensemblemitglied des Russischen Staatsballett Moskau. Seit 1998 ist sie im Ensemble des Aalto Ballett Essen und tanzt hier seit 2001 als Solistin. Sie war in vielen klassischen und neoklassischen Rollen zu erleben, u. a. in “Die Brüder Karamasov” (Boris Eifman), “Der Nussknacker”, “Schwanensee”, “Don Quichotte”, “La vie en rose”, “Tanzhommage an Queen” (alle Ben Van Cauwenbergh), “Ein Sommernachtstraum” (Heinz Spoerli), “La Sylphide” (Peter Schaufuss) und als Larina in “Onegin” (John Cranko). Auch in modernen Choreografien war sie mit Hauptrollen und Solopartien zu erleben, z. B. in “Leonce und Lena” (Christian Spuck), “Odette/Odile” (Stephan Thoss), “Wings of wax”, “Sechs Tänze”, “Petite mort” (Jiří Kylián), “Giselle” (David Dawson), “Deca Dance” (Ohad Naharin), “3 BY EKMAN” (Alexander Ekman), “Cinderella” (Stijn Celis) und “Home and Home” (Johan Inger). Seit vielen Jahren assistiert Yulia Tsoi als Ballettmeisterin Choreografen wie Jiří Kylián, Ben Van Cauwenbergh, Armen Hakobyan, Denis Untila und Stijn Celis. 2012 und 2015 war sie die verantwortliche Supervisorin für die Produktionen “Schwanensee” und “Der Nussknacker” in Kanazawa, Japan, in Kooperation mit dem Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa. 2019 war sie Gastprofessorin an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt und Gastdozentin am Tanzgymnasium Essen-Werden. Von 2018 bis 2020 hat sie per Fernstudium Tanzpädagogik nach der Vaganova-Methode an der Kasachischen Akademie der Künste studiert. Seit August 2022 arbeitet sie als künstlerische Kinderballettbetreurin, Ballettassistentin und Charakterdarstellerin.
Yulia Tsoi was born in Kazakhstan. She received her dance training at the ballet school in Almaty and was a member of the Russian State Ballet in Moscow. Since 1998, she has been a full member of the company, in 2001 being promoted to become a solo dancer. She has appeared in various classical and neoclassical roles as in, "The Brothers Karamazov" (Ch. B. Eifman), "The Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", "Don Quixote", "La Vie en Rose", "Homage to Queen"(all in choreography of Ben Van Cauwenbergh), “Summer night dream” (choreography Heinz Spoerli), "La Sylphide" (choreography. P. Schaufuss), Onegin (choreography John Cranko) among others. She also danced main parts in contemporaneous ballet productions as "Leonce and Lena"(choreography Christian Spuck), “Odette/Odile” (choreography S. Thoss), “Wings of wax”, “Sechs Tänze”, “Petite Mort” (choreography Jiri Kylian), “Giselle” (choreography David Dawson), “Deca Dance” (choreography Ohad Naharin), “3 BY EKMAN” (choreography Alexander Ekman), “Cinderella” (choreography Stijn Celis), “Home and Home” (choreography Johan Inger). Since several years Ms. Tsoi assists as a ballet master with choreographers as Jiri Kylian, Ben Van Cauwenbergh, Armen Hakobyan, Denis Untila and Stijn Celis. In 2012 and 2015 she was responsible for staging and supervising of the productions “Swan Lake” and “Nutcracker” in Kanazawa (Japan) in cooperation with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa. In 2019 Ms. Tsoi was invited as a guest professor to the High school of music and interpreting arts in Frankfurt am Main (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst) as well as a guest teacher in Dance gymnasium Essen-Werden as a guest lecturer of classical ballet. From 2018 to 2020 Ms. Tsoi studied correspondence degree course of study according to the Vaganova-method at the Kazakh national academy of art, faculty pedagogy and choreography.
Yulia Tsoi was born in Kazakhstan. She received her dance training at the ballet school in Almaty and was a member of the Russian State Ballet in Moscow. Since 1998, she has been a full member of the company, in 2001 being promoted to become a solo dancer. She has appeared in various classical and neoclassical roles as in, "The Brothers Karamazov" (Ch. B. Eifman), "The Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", "Don Quixote", "La Vie en Rose", "Homage to Queen"(all in choreography of Ben Van Cauwenbergh), “Summer night dream” (choreography Heinz Spoerli), "La Sylphide" (choreography. P. Schaufuss), Onegin (choreography John Cranko) among others. She also danced main parts in contemporaneous ballet productions as "Leonce and Lena"(choreography Christian Spuck), “Odette/Odile” (choreography S. Thoss), “Wings of wax”, “Sechs Tänze”, “Petite Mort” (choreography Jiri Kylian), “Giselle” (choreography David Dawson), “Deca Dance” (choreography Ohad Naharin), “3 BY EKMAN” (choreography Alexander Ekman), “Cinderella” (choreography Stijn Celis), “Home and Home” (choreography Johan Inger). Since several years Ms. Tsoi assists as a ballet master with choreographers as Jiri Kylian, Ben Van Cauwenbergh, Armen Hakobyan, Denis Untila and Stijn Celis. In 2012 and 2015 she was responsible for staging and supervising of the productions “Swan Lake” and “Nutcracker” in Kanazawa (Japan) in cooperation with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa. In 2019 Ms. Tsoi was invited as a guest professor to the High school of music and interpreting arts in Frankfurt am Main (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst) as well as a guest teacher in Dance gymnasium Essen-Werden as a guest lecturer of classical ballet. From 2018 to 2020 Ms. Tsoi studied correspondence degree course of study according to the Vaganova-method at the Kazakh national academy of art, faculty pedagogy and choreography.