Foto: Johan Sandberg
Samantha Grammer
Tänzerin (Gruppe)
Die aus Neuseeland stammende Tänzerin Samantha Grammer absolvierte ihre Ausbildung bei „Dance on Grove“ in Blenheim in New Zealand sowie an der Queensland Ballet Academy in Australien. Mit dem Queensland Ballet tanzte Samantha Grammer u. a. in „Manon“ in der Choreografie von Sir Kenneth Macmillan, als Solistin in Tschaikowskys „Peter und der Wolf“ choreografiert von Greg Horsman und wirkte in der „60th Anniversary Gala“ mit. Des Weiteren tanzte sie als Solistin in Paul Boyds „Echo of Reflection“, Natalie Weirs „The Voyager“, Grant Aris’ „Swarm“ oder in Amelia Wallers „Mil Besos“. Seit der Spielzeit 2023/2024 ist Samantha Grammer Mitglied der Compagnie am Aalto Ballett Essen.
New Zealand-born dancer Samantha Grammer completed her training at "Dance on Grove" in Blenheim, New Zealand, and at the Queensland Ballet Academy in Australia. With the Queensland Ballet, Samantha Grammer danced in "Manon" choreographed by Sir Kenneth Macmillan, as a soloist in Tchaikovsky's "Peter and the Wolf" choreographed by Greg Horsman and took part in the "60th Anniversary Gala". She has also danced as a soloist in Paul Boyd's "Echo of Reflection", Natalie Weir's "The Voyager", Grant Aris' "Swarm" and Amelia Waller's "Mil Besos". Samantha Grammer has been a member of the company at Aalto Ballett Essen since the 2023/2024 season.
New Zealand-born dancer Samantha Grammer completed her training at "Dance on Grove" in Blenheim, New Zealand, and at the Queensland Ballet Academy in Australia. With the Queensland Ballet, Samantha Grammer danced in "Manon" choreographed by Sir Kenneth Macmillan, as a soloist in Tchaikovsky's "Peter and the Wolf" choreographed by Greg Horsman and took part in the "60th Anniversary Gala". She has also danced as a soloist in Paul Boyd's "Echo of Reflection", Natalie Weir's "The Voyager", Grant Aris' "Swarm" and Amelia Waller's "Mil Besos". Samantha Grammer has been a member of the company at Aalto Ballett Essen since the 2023/2024 season.