Foto: Johan Sandberg
Paul Faure
Tänzer (ständiger Gast)
Nach ersten Auftritten auf der Bühne der Opéra de Paris in seiner Kindheit, erhielt Paul Faure seine Tanzausbildung an der Ecole du Ballet de Paris J.Stanlowa, dem Centre Choreographique C.Comte / M. Chaumet, der Brussels International Ballet School sowie der VM Ballet School. Daneben wurde er bereits 2021 für „Don Quixote“ vom Ballet de Catalunya verpflichtet. Seit 2022 gehört er als Gast dem Aalto Ballett Essen an und war hier u. a. bereits in „Romeo und Julia“, „Giselle“, „Der Nussknacker“, „Tanzhommage an Queen“ und „Schwanensee“ zu erleben. Paul Faure nahme an zahlreichen Wettbewerben teil und erhielt verschiedene Auszeichnungen, so war er Finalist beim Youth America Grand Prix in Barcelona und erhielt die Silbermedaille beim Concours International de Tolouse.
After first performances on the stage of the Opéra de Paris as a child, Paul Faure received his dance training at the Ecole du Ballet de Paris J.Stanlowa, the Centre Choreographique C.Comte / M. Chaumet, the Brussels International Ballet School and the VM Ballet School. In 2021 he was part of the Ballet de Catalunya in “Don Quixote”. He has been a guest of the Aalto Ballet Essen since 2022 and has already appeared in “Romeo and Juliet”, “Giselle”, “The Nutcracker”, “Tanzhommage an Queen” and “Swan Lake”, among others. Paul Faure has taken part in numerous competitions and received various awards, including being a finalist at the Youth America Grand Prix in Barcelona and winning the silver medal at the Concours International de Tolouse.
After first performances on the stage of the Opéra de Paris as a child, Paul Faure received his dance training at the Ecole du Ballet de Paris J.Stanlowa, the Centre Choreographique C.Comte / M. Chaumet, the Brussels International Ballet School and the VM Ballet School. In 2021 he was part of the Ballet de Catalunya in “Don Quixote”. He has been a guest of the Aalto Ballet Essen since 2022 and has already appeared in “Romeo and Juliet”, “Giselle”, “The Nutcracker”, “Tanzhommage an Queen” and “Swan Lake”, among others. Paul Faure has taken part in numerous competitions and received various awards, including being a finalist at the Youth America Grand Prix in Barcelona and winning the silver medal at the Concours International de Tolouse.