Foto: Johan Sandberg
Marie Van Cauwenbergh
Tänzerin (Gruppe)
Die belgische Tänzerin wurde in Wiesbaden geboren und wuchs dort und in Essen auf. Ihre Tanzausbildung absolvierte sie am Gymnasium Essen-Werden. Bereits als Kind wirkte sie in Produktionen der Ballettcompagnie des Hessischen Staatstheaters Wiesbaden mit, so z. B. als Clara in „Der Nussknacker“ oder als Kid in „Keep Smiling“. Seit 2016 ist sie Mitglied der Compagnie des Aalto Ballett Essen und war bisher solistisch u. a. in „3 BY EKMAN“ und in „Schwanensee“ (Polnischer Tanz) zu erleben.
The Belgian dancer was born in Wiesbaden and grew up there and in Essen. She completed her dance training at the Gymnasium Essen-Werden. Already as a child she participated in productions of the ballet company of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, for example as Clara in "The Nutcracker" or as Kid in "Keep Smiling". Since 2016 she has been a member of the company of the Aalto Ballet Essen and has so far performed as a soloist in "3 BY EKMAN" and in "Swan Lake" (Polish dance), among others.
The Belgian dancer was born in Wiesbaden and grew up there and in Essen. She completed her dance training at the Gymnasium Essen-Werden. Already as a child she participated in productions of the ballet company of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, for example as Clara in "The Nutcracker" or as Kid in "Keep Smiling". Since 2016 she has been a member of the company of the Aalto Ballet Essen and has so far performed as a soloist in "3 BY EKMAN" and in "Swan Lake" (Polish dance), among others.