Foto: Johan Sandberg
Maria Horianski
Tänzerin (Gruppe)
Die Brasilianerin Maria Horianski erlangte ihre Tanzausbildung am Estudio de Dança Adriana Soares in São Paulo, Brasilien. Zudem erhielt sie Stipendien für die Rock School of Dance in den USA (2016), die Zurich Dance Academy Summer in der Schweiz (2015) sowie für das Joffrey Ballet (USA, 2015). Zu ihrem Repertoire zählen u. a. „Giselle“, „Don Quichotte“, „Coppelia“ und „Der Nussknacker“. Von 2018 – 2023 war Maria Eduarda Horianski Araujo am Thüringer Staatsballett, zunächst im Elevenprogramm dann als Compagnie-Mitglied, engagiert. Dort war sie u. a. in „Tanz aus der Reihe“, „Corpus“, „Cabaret“ oder „Eugen Onegin“ zu erleben. Beim Aalto Ballett Essen ist sie seit 2023 engagiert.
Brazilian dancer Maria Eduarda Horianski Araujo received her dance training at the Estudio de Dança Adriana Soares in São Paulo, Brazil. She also received scholarships to the Rock School of Dance in the USA (2016), the Zurich Dance Academy Summer in Switzerland (2015) and the Joffrey Ballet (USA, 2015). Her repertoire includes "Giselle," "Don Quixote," "Coppelia," and "The Nutcracker." From 2018 to 2023 Maria Eduarda Horianski Araujo was engaged at the Thuringian State Ballet, first in the Eleven program then as a company member. There she performed in "Tanz aus der Reihe", "Corpus", "Cabaret" or "Eugen Onegin", among others. She has been engaged at the Aalto Ballet Essen since 2023.
Brazilian dancer Maria Eduarda Horianski Araujo received her dance training at the Estudio de Dança Adriana Soares in São Paulo, Brazil. She also received scholarships to the Rock School of Dance in the USA (2016), the Zurich Dance Academy Summer in Switzerland (2015) and the Joffrey Ballet (USA, 2015). Her repertoire includes "Giselle," "Don Quixote," "Coppelia," and "The Nutcracker." From 2018 to 2023 Maria Eduarda Horianski Araujo was engaged at the Thuringian State Ballet, first in the Eleven program then as a company member. There she performed in "Tanz aus der Reihe", "Corpus", "Cabaret" or "Eugen Onegin", among others. She has been engaged at the Aalto Ballet Essen since 2023.