Foto: Johan Sandberg
Igor Savoskin
Igor Savoskin erhielt seine pianistische Ausbildung in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Usbekistan. Mit 15 Jahren begann er sein Klavierstudium an der Staatlichen Fachschule für Musik in Termiz, Usbekistan, das er am Staatlichen Konservatorium in Taschkent fortsetzte. Noch während seines Studiums wurde er als Ballettkorrepetitor an der Staatlichen Ballettakademie in Taschkent verpflichtet. Anschließend führte ihn ein Engagement in selber Position an das Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre in Taschkent. Seit 2002 lebt er in Deutschland, wo er u. a. für die Akademie des Tanzes Mannheim, die Ballettschule Virgil Paleru in Ludwigshafen, das Schwetzinger Ballettstudio Barbara Benkeser, die Ballettschule Birgit Helbig in Euskirchen und das Gymnasium Essen-Werden arbeitete. Als Gastkorrepetitor wirkte er zudem an den Theatern Dortmund und Krefeld/Monchengladbach, der Deutschen Oper am Rhein, am Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, der Folkwang Universität Essen sowie bei zahlreichen Workshops. Am Aalto-Theater war er bereits an der Einstudierung der Ballette „Die Brüder Karamasow“, „Verklärte Nacht“, „Wie ihr’s wollt – Szenen eines Alltags“ und „Diaghilew: Die Favoriten“ musikalisch beteiligt. Seit der Spielzeit 2013/2014 ist er Ballettpianist des Aalto Ballett Essen.
Igor Savoskin received his pianistic education in the former Soviet Union in Uzbekistan. At the age of 15, he began his piano studies at the State Professional School of Music in Termiz, Uzbekistan, which he continued at the State Conservatory in Tashkent. While still a student, he was engaged as a ballet accompanist at the State Ballet Academy in Tashkent. Subsequently, an engagement in the same position took him to the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre in Tashkent. Since 2002 he has been living in Germany, where he has worked for the Academy of Dance Mannheim, the Ballet School Virgil Paleru in Ludwigshafen, the Schwetzingen Ballet Studio Barbara Benkeser, the Ballet School Birgit Helbig in Euskirchen and the Gymnasium Essen-Werden. He also worked as a guest répétiteur at the theaters in Dortmund and Krefeld/Mönchengladbach, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, the Folkwang University in Essen and at numerous workshops. At the Aalto-Theater he has already been musically involved in the rehearsal of the ballets "The Brothers Karamazov", "Transfigured Night", "Wie ihr's wollt - Szenen eines Alltags" and "Diaghilew: Die Favoriten". Since the 2013/2014 season, he has been ballet pianist of the Aalto Ballett Essen.
Igor Savoskin received his pianistic education in the former Soviet Union in Uzbekistan. At the age of 15, he began his piano studies at the State Professional School of Music in Termiz, Uzbekistan, which he continued at the State Conservatory in Tashkent. While still a student, he was engaged as a ballet accompanist at the State Ballet Academy in Tashkent. Subsequently, an engagement in the same position took him to the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre in Tashkent. Since 2002 he has been living in Germany, where he has worked for the Academy of Dance Mannheim, the Ballet School Virgil Paleru in Ludwigshafen, the Schwetzingen Ballet Studio Barbara Benkeser, the Ballet School Birgit Helbig in Euskirchen and the Gymnasium Essen-Werden. He also worked as a guest répétiteur at the theaters in Dortmund and Krefeld/Mönchengladbach, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, the Folkwang University in Essen and at numerous workshops. At the Aalto-Theater he has already been musically involved in the rehearsal of the ballets "The Brothers Karamazov", "Transfigured Night", "Wie ihr's wollt - Szenen eines Alltags" and "Diaghilew: Die Favoriten". Since the 2013/2014 season, he has been ballet pianist of the Aalto Ballett Essen.