Foto: Johan Sandberg
Carla Colonna
Tänzerin (Gruppe)
Carla Colonna absolvierte ihr Studium an der Ballettakademie des Teatro San Carlo in Mailand und schloss es mit einem Diplom ab. Ihre Ausbildung vervollständigte sie durch das Mitwirken in verschiedenen Ballettaufführungen, u. a. in „Giselle“ am Teatro San Carlo, „Schwanensee“ an der Prager Staatsoper und 2011 in den Opern „Aida“ und „La Traviata“ beim Festival dell’Arena di Verona. 2011/2012 kam sie als Praktikantin zum Aalto Ballett Essen und wirkt seit 2012/2013 als Gruppentänzerin. Sie brillierte als Solistin in Armen Hakobyans „Frequencies“, im Rahmen von „Vibrations“ sowie in "Moving Colours" und im "Polnischen Tanz" in "Schwanensee".
Carla Colonna undertook her dance studies at the Academy of Ballet at the Teatro San Carlo in Madrid, graduating with a diploma. After completing her education she performed in productions of “Giselle” at the Teatro San Carlo, “Swan Lake” at the Prague State Opera and in 2011 in the operas “Aida” and “La Traviata” at the Festival dell’ Arena di Verona. In 2011/2012, she got a traineeship with the Aalto Ballet Essen and since 2012/13 she has been part of the Aalto Company. She could be seen as solist in Armen Hakobyan’s „Frequencies“ as well as in "Moving Colours" and the "Polish Dance" in "Swan lake".
Carla Colonna undertook her dance studies at the Academy of Ballet at the Teatro San Carlo in Madrid, graduating with a diploma. After completing her education she performed in productions of “Giselle” at the Teatro San Carlo, “Swan Lake” at the Prague State Opera and in 2011 in the operas “Aida” and “La Traviata” at the Festival dell’ Arena di Verona. In 2011/2012, she got a traineeship with the Aalto Ballet Essen and since 2012/13 she has been part of the Aalto Company. She could be seen as solist in Armen Hakobyan’s „Frequencies“ as well as in "Moving Colours" and the "Polish Dance" in "Swan lake".